Here are a number of English and Spanish documents posted, that are related to earthquake and tsunami reconstruction and seismic construction technology.
1976, Ecuador, Guía Popular de Construcción Sismo Resistente, INEN, Instituto Nacional Ecuatoriano de Normalización, Diciembre 1976, 84 pag. illustrado, 4 MB. Simplified advice on house design based on the ACI-318-71 ecuadorian code version earthquake resistant design, construction method, reinforced concrete, masonry.
1977, Ecuador, Guía de Practica, INEN, Mampostería Reforzada. Ing. Sjoerd Nienhuys y Ing. Carlos Naranjo, Marzo 1978. 55 pag. Illustrado, 23 MB. Espagnol . Explanation of earthquake resistant building code.
1983. Yemen Arab Republic, Dhamar Aided Self-Help Reconstruction Project. Post 1982 Earthquake Reconstruction: Building Technique. March 1984, 10 pgs, 2,64 MB
1984 YAR. Dhamar Aided Self-Help Reconstruction Project . Building Techniques. Final report no 5. 59 pages illustrated, 14.2 MB Overview of seismic resistant construction method for dressed stone architecture and in a mountainous area.
1984, YAR, Dhamar Aided Self-Help Reconstruction Project. Post 1982 Earthquake Reconstruction: Site selection. 16 pages illustrated. 4,56 MB april 1984,
1985 YAR Dhamar Aided Self-Help Reconstruction Project. Foreman Manual 1. Foundations. 38 pages. Illustrated-animated English-Arabic. 6.66 MB
1985 YAR. Dhamar Aided Self-Help Reconstruction Project. Foreman Manual part 2. Wall construction. 33 pages, illustrated-animated, English-Arabic, 6,61 MB
1985 YAR. Dhamar Aided Self-Help Reconstruction Project. Foreman Manual part 3. Rooflevel . 28 pages illustrated-animated. English-Arabic text. 6.81 MB.
2007. Technical Advice Reinforced Concrete Tsunami House Reconstruction Aceh ~ Indonesia , by Sjoerd Nienhuys . 31 pages, illustrated, 4,2 MB.
FIELD VISIT HABITAT RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME (HRMP), Pakistan, November 2008 by Sjoerd Nienhuys, Agha Khan Building and Construction Programme. 16 pages illustrated, 1,6 MB .
2012. EARTHQUAKE RETROFITTING NON-ENGINEERED LOW-RISE BUILDINGS Including Non-Engineered Retrofitting of Traditional Pamiri Houses in Pakistan and Tajikistan Technical Working Paper Number 12 , 51 pages, illustrated, 5.2 MB .